If hate or anger is a feeling you feel in a dream, your subconscious is showing you that you are not in control of your emotions.
If someone else is hateful or angry, it represents latent feelings of insecurity.
If it is you who is being hated, this could denote a prevalent insecurity and fear of being hated for just being yourself and past unexplained rejection.
If you hate a twin or reflection, or if a reflection/ twin hates you, there is self-hatred present and your subconscious wants to confront you on the matter. The mind cannot see a future with your current mindset.
If you see the word “hate” or any synonym written, is forewarns of a fear of your own loss of emotional control if you do not put some kind of way of dealing with it in place such as therapy or even talking things out to get these feelings off your chest before you blow your stack.
If there is someone you hate in the dream, you must figure out what common characteristics you have with that person. This characteristic is at odds with your idea of who you really want to be. Self change is demanded by your subconscious.