Abdomen or Stomach or Belly
The abdomen is the core. The core of your being.
This is also a sensitive area that gets, upset, rumbles, gets butterflies, and you also “can’t stomach” things.
Is the abdomen:
Upset = something you cannot accept.
Exposed unwillingly = vulnerability.
Swollen or pregnant = you have important things beneath the surface.
Sexy = you are proud of who you are to the core of your being.
Disgusts you = shame.
The things relevant to your feelings here is in relation to the other details of the dream. Like a puzzle, put the pieces together to discover the secret message your subconscious is communicating to you the best way it can. It’s up to you to translate the code.
Ultimately, how does seeing the abdomen in your dream make you feel? Is it sexy? Is it disgusting? Does it make you feel strong or weak? Is it the kind of stomach you want? Is it comical or makes you feel sentimental? These are all part of the message.